St Ives Preparatory offers a unique five-day Preschool programme for deeply curious boys who are driven by special interest and a thirst for understanding.
Our Preschool provides opportunities for richer learning, where boys will make discoveries and develop theories, while they build competencies in literacy, music, creative arts, science, physical education, and numeracy.
A play-based learning programme offers boys attending our Preschool the freedom to try things out, to make mistakes, to invest their curiosity, intelligence, and intrigue as they explore carefully planned experiences and provocations. Our teaching is intentional, supporting the boys as confident, enthusiastic learners, and building a foundation for their wellbeing and future achievement.
Our Preschool programme connects the pedagogical practices of the first years of formal schooling with holistic play-based learning. Our aim is to support the development of learning dispositions including curiosity, creativity, commitment, cooperation, confidence, enthusiasm, imagination, reflexivity and persistence. These will become the foundations for education at Grammar.
At the end of the Preschool year, the boys move up to Kindergarten with strong peer relationships, an ability to negotiate and resolve conflict, courage to make mistakes and persist in their resolution, an understanding and appreciation for routines and School structure and a positive notion of what it means to be a Grammar boy.
Entry is open to boys who turn four by 1 January 2023. Operating hours are 8.00/8.20 am until 2.30 pm during the school term. To enquire or apply for 2023 places, please contact the Registrar on 8302 5200.