St Ives boys celebrated Book Week with a busy few days of activities and talks, culminating with the annual Book Week Parade.
The costumes were outstanding as always and our boys enjoyed having guest authors and illustrators to reinspire their love of reading.
The boys in Preschool through to Year 2 enjoyed a shadow puppet show, The Owl and his Apprentice, which amongst the themes of perseverance and resilience saw an owl seeking wisdom in a book in the Library. The skills of the puppeteer were very apparent, and the boys particularly enjoyed dissecting how the puppeteer was able to bring her story to life through the simple mediums of light and shadow. Author and illustrator Frane Lessac visited the Years 1 and 2 boys and led them through a very entertaining illustrators' workshop and some readings from her books. We all enjoyed learning about her life as an author and how her dog helps her with the editorial process.
Years 3 and 4 went on a History Mystery under the expert hands of author illustrator Mark Greenwood. A gifted storyteller, Mark led us to believe that if we followed the clues littered through his books, that we might just end up with a pot of gold.
Years 5 and 6 enjoyed two very different visits. The versatility of Martin Ed Chatterton kept the boys entertained as we learnt more about the process of writing and the points of inspiration that give birth to a book. Wai Chim, with her compelling story based on her father’s swim as a Freedom Swimmer, highlighted for the boys how good writing can come from a factual basis.