Welcome to Kindergarten

11 February 2022

Welcome to Kindergarten

With much excitement, we celebrate the start of a new school year, warmly welcoming the boys into our two Kindergarten classes at St Ives Prep.


What a lovely start we have had! The boys are settling in well and already making friends in the playground and in their classrooms. They are quickly getting used to our Kindergarten routines and to moving around our campus. We are looking forward to an exciting year of learning as we embark on the topics in our Kindergarten curriculum together.

Celebrating Carrington’s Birthday together this week presented an opportunity to teach our boys what it means to be a Grammar boy and to live by Carrington’s values of Respect, Integrity, Courage, Empathy and Initiative.  Well done boys!  We are so impressed by how quickly they have come to understand what each of these important words mean and how they will help each of you to develop resilience and self-awareness and a love for life long learning.
Mrs Michele Scott
Preschool – Year 2 Director