Under the auspices of the Dante Alighieri Society of Sydney, each year the Tommaso Favino Literary Competition takes place. In 2023, the theme was Il viaggio: cos’é per te? (what does travel represent to you?).
The competition is open to pupils of Italian language currently enrolled in a school, a university or in a community language school or in a cultural institution in the Sydney area. Participants can submit an essay, a poem, a piece of creative work (fiction) or a video in Italian.
Many pupils studying Italian participated and six of our boys from Form V and Form VI 2024 were awarded prizes for their entries.
At an Awards Ceremony on the 8 April 2024, the following prizes were awarded:
Miles Hopper (V) - Equal Second
Conrad Liu (V) - Equal Second
Jackson Chan(V) - Equal Third
Silvio Piccardi (VI) - Equal Third
Leonardo Zannier (V) - Honourable Mention
Raphael Carrasco (VI) - Honourable Mention
The judges awarded the Prizes based on linguistic merit and creativity. Congratulations to all prizewinners on their achievements.