Grammar boys are readers; you can find them anywhere and everywhere engrossed in a book! It should therefore come as no surprise that they just love spending time in the Library. It is indeed a ‘happy place’ for many of our of boys at St Ives.
On any visit, you will find that boys are everywhere and in every nook and cranny of this generous space! Sprawled over plump sofas with novels in-hand, researching the catalogue, investigating the shelves and huddled together at pods, often pouring over non-fiction together. The collaborative nature of the Library’s furniture facilitates and encourages their enormous collective appetites for reading and of course, given that they are in a library, quiet discussion.
The Library is a meeting place for several of the boys’ lunchtime clubs, including the Chess Club, Vehicle Club, Book Club, Coin Club (previously Stamps!) and the Knowledge Club, which might just be discussing WWII battleships this week. These wonderful groups are boy-generated, springing up as boys seek to explore their interests and develop their passions. The Library is also well resourced with Lego and some satisfyingly challenging jigsaw puzzles.
Boys are never too old for picture books and have been discovering the new Primary Picture Books section, which contains picture books with indigenous links, historical themes, celebration days, and social and emotional learning. Words are aimed at a primary audience.
Mrs Mahony and Mrs Barton, our Teacher Librarians, have commented that parents are relishing the opportunity to once again visit the Library before or after school, to peruse the collection, borrow or read with their curious boys. The online catalogue has also made the collection much more accessible to boys and their parents from home.