Outdoor Classroom Day is a global initiative that we, here at Sydney Grammar School, have enthusiastically taken on for the last two years.
At its heart, the day is all about embracing the outdoors as a learning space. 10,000,000 students world-wide have joined the movement to reclaim the outdoors as venues for prime learning opportunities. We have such wonderful outdoor spaces that we are always spoiled for choice. All the boys from Preschool to Year 6 spent at least some of their learning periods outside on Thursday November 12. Our boys were engaged in many varied activities including: measuring lengths, analysing and debating political cartoons, sketching, collaborating on drama, dancing, jointly constructing artworks, comprehending text, learning with Buddies, sculpting in the sand pit and imagining aliens landing on Cowper.
Outdoor learning opens boys to an awareness that growing academically far exceeds classroom walls. Nature is a powerful teacher and a setting that enhances connection and well-being. We are sold on Outdoor Classroom Day!