The Night of the Notables Project is a complex, multi-layered unit which acts as a fabulous culmination of the boys’ Primary years.
Each Year 6 boy chooses someone from history that can be considered ‘notable’ - someone who has had a positive influence on society and the progress of humanity. The process begins with a detailed proposal whereby the boy argues the case for the inclusion of his chosen person.
Over the next few weeks each boy delves into their notable’s life; his or her motivations, hopes, fears, challenges and triumphs. What begins as a research task develops into multiple written products utilising analysis, scaffolded thinking, creative application and even poetry. Design and creative aesthetics are also brought into the process as each piece of writing must be presented with links to the notable or their field. On the evening all this and more is set up as a display. The boys consider how best to show their work still linking to the overarching themes for their person. This utilisation of the dynamism of space, colour and 3D placement can absolutely set the polish on the overall project.
This year, restrictions pushed our exhibit online. This video introduces the exhibit.