Our Prefects have chosen Lighthouse Community Support as their preferred charity for 2022.
Keeping to its namesake, the Lighthouse Community Support acts as a ‘lighthouse’ for families in times of darkness. It provides aid for a whole range of familial issues, from families that struggle to make ends meet, to ones that are socially isolated due to deeper engrained issues. A consequence of such is the impact to young and developing children who are left without guidance, without a light, who are at risk of disengaging from their community and school due to factors beyond their control. ⠀
The charity also holds their Warrior Woman Support Network Service and Lighthouse Program that aim to provide support to women who suffer and have suffered from mental health and domestic violence: a focus of the 2022 Prefects. ⠀
It is for these reasons the Sydney Grammar School Prefects have chosen the Lighthouse Community Support. All proceeds will go to providing safety and guidance to families, women and young people. ⠀
We hope that you will enjoy participating in their planned activities for the year that all go to a great cause. Follow them on Instagram @sgsprefects.